Guiding Documents
Each student receives a school agenda at the beginning of the school year. The cost to replace the agenda is $10. The agenda is essential every day, and a tool for students to stay organized. When a student does not have his/her agenda, it is considered a violation, and students must obtain a temporary sheet. If a student misplaces their agenda they are required to purchase a new one for $10. The student will use the agenda the following ways:
- CALENDAR: The agenda is a wonderful place for the student to keep track of upcoming events in school and in our community.
- COMMUNICATION TOOL: The agenda provides a space for the student to plan a “Buddy System” whereby the student has a friend in each class whom he/she can call for assignments when the student is absent or unsure of the assignment. Teachers and parents may also use the comment section in the daily assignment section of the agenda to communicate with one another.
- DAILY ASSIGNMENTS, TESTS, AND QUIZZES: Students are to record daily and weekly assignments in the assigned areas for each subject.
- HALL PASSES: If a student needs to leave the classroom for any reason, restroom, another teacher’s classroom, office, library, etc., the student is to use the Hall Pass section of the agenda.
- SETTING GOALS: There are multiple areas on the agenda so that the student can write down short-term and long-term goals as well as to-do lists.
Trist will hold many ceremonies throughout the year recognizing students for accomplishments.
- 8th GRADE CEREMONY: Eligible students must be present the entire school day on the day of rehearsal and in time for the ceremony to participate.
- HONOR ROLL CEREMONIES: Each nine weeks we will recognize students for their academic performance. The ceremony consists of parents/guardian, the principal, assistant principal, and teachers. Students can receive certificates for the following awards:
- PRINCIPAL’S LIST is achieved by earning an “A” in all subjects and in conduct.
- SCHOLAR’S LIST is achieved by earning a 3.5-3.99 GPA (Grade Point Average) without a “C” in any class or in conduct.
- MERIT LIST is achieved by earning a 3.0-3.49 without a “C” in any class or in conduct.
- PERFECT ATTENDANCE is achieved by being present each day all day with no check-ins and no check-outs. There are additional criteria for Perfect Attendance all year as outlined in the Guide to Student Conduct.
- PERFECT PIRATE PARTIES: The parties are held for students throughout the year for students who receive no behavior or dress code infractions each quarter.
- STUDENT OF THE MONTH: This honor is earned through teacher nomination and voting. One student from each grade level will receive this title for academic excellence and model behavior.
- STUDENT OF THE YEAR: 8th grade students may participate in this awards program if they meet the state qualifications from 5th -8th grade. The qualifications are: o student grade point average no less than 3.1,
- exemplary state test scores,
- completion of the state application,
- student conduct embodies the school culture and values,
- teacher recommendation,
- involvement in extra-curricular school activities,
- involvement in the community as well as activities outside of school.
The SOY process begins in early fall of the 8th grade year. Upon completion of the school level portfolio, students will take part in an interview process judged by a committee made up of community member(s), faculty members, and an administrator. If there is a dispute regarding the selection of a candidate, please contact your school principal directly. Additional state criteria is available on the Department of Education website: Louisiana Believes
- TERRIFIC TEENS: Twice a year, selected students are recognized for their efforts as a “Terrific Teen”. These students are chosen by their teachers and awarded certificates in recognition of their unique qualities. The ceremony consists of parent/guardian, the principal, assistant principal, instructional coach, sponsors of St. Bernard Safe and Drug Free Schools, St. Bernard/Arabi Kiwanis Club, and Chalmette Refining L.L.C.
- ACCIDENT\INJURY PROCEDURE: When a student at Trist is injured and the injury is deemed to be of a serious nature, the following plan will go into effect: The principal, assistant principal, or nurse on site will examine the student’s injury. THE STUDENT IS NOT TO BE MOVED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Emergency first aid will be administered to offer temporary relief for the person injured. The student’s parents will be called. If deemed necessary, 9-1-1 will be called. If a student is badly injured, the paramedics will come to the site where the person was injured.
- CAFETERIA: Students are to walk quickly and form single lines on either side of the cafeteria depending on if they eat a school lunch or bring a lunch from home. Students must have their ID on so that lines move faster. Students without a proper ID will be moved to the back of the line or receive a restricted lunch. The cafeteria provides well-balanced breakfast and lunch choices each day. After receiving lunch, students will be directed to the next available seat by the teacher on duty or they may go outside. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO LINGER TO WAIT FOR FRIENDS OR SKIP SEATS. Using good table manners provides a pleasant atmosphere for everyone. Good table manners by students INCLUDES cleaning the table and floor around them, eating food on the tray, pushing in chairs, stacking trays neatly in the designated area, and notifying a staff member for assistance when necessary.
- BUS DISMISSAL: Student will need their IDs to load their bus at the end of the day. Students are to load their bus as they are dismissed. In the interest of safety, students are to sit/remain in the designated areas in the gym or classroom until dismissed to the bus circle. Teachers will direct them to the bus after the bus stops completely and the driver has opened the door. Students are to form a single-file line without pushing. Students can only ride the bus they are assigned.
- CAR RIDER DISMISSAL: Car riders should be picked up in front of the school on Pirates’ Cove. Students are to wait until they are dismissed and report to the designated areas of the school building or Student Plaza. They are not to step into the street until their ride has arrived and the teacher on duty tells them to go to the car. Students must pay attention during car rider dismissal to ensure that the line continues to move.
- FIRE, TORNADO, and CRISS DRILLS: Drills are conducted so students will be prepared in the event of a disaster or crisis. During these drills, students must remain absolutely quiet and follow the instructions of the teacher.
- GENERAL ASSEMBLIES: General assemblies are held throughout the school year and may include special presentations, awards ceremonies, pep rallies, and guest speakers. Conduct in the assembly area must be courteous and orderly. Strict attention should be given to all speakers. An appropriate audience response is expected.
- HALL EXPECTATIONS: Keep to the right when walking through the hallways. Avoid banging locker doors. This causes damage to the doors and disturbs nearby classes. Move promptly from one class to another and to and from lunch. Excessive noise should always be avoided. Running, horse playing, or other aggressive behavior in the courtyards, hallways, and bus loading area are not allowed at any time. Display good manners at all times. Public displays of affection are not allowed. Our #1 rule at N. P. Trist Middle School - KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET TO YOURSELF.
- HALL LOCKERS: Each student MAY rent his/her own hall locker for $5.00. For safety reasons, the sharing of hall lockers is NOT permitted NOR is the sharing of the combination with anyone. Money and valuables should never be placed in hall lockers. The school is not responsible for items lost or stolen from lockers. Students may go to their lockers ONLY at these times:
- before homeroom
- before lunch
- after school
- ILLNESS: If a student becomes ill while in class, students may ask for a pass to the office to call home or the teacher will notify the front office and a parent will be called.
- RESTROOM: Students are to use the restroom before school, during PE, during lunch time, during change of classes, or after school. A student will use his/her agenda as a pass during class time. If a student has extreme cases, they should be documented by a doctor’s or parent’s note properly authorized by the office.
- TRAFFIC FLOW: When dropping off and picking up students, as well as for school functions, the traffic procedure is to approach the school via Webster Street and depart via Olivia Street. This procedure provides for a safe and smooth flow of traffic during busy times.
Our School recognizes that parent and family involvement is essential as we partner to educate our students and prepare them for life-long learning. Together we can support student learning and growth. It is our intention to cultivate and support active family involvement through several different ways:
- SchoolStatus – SchoolStatus is a communication tool that all teachers, counselors, and administrators throughout our district use to connect with parents. Each SchoolStatus number is unique to the student and each teacher. Once a teacher reaches out to you, you can save this number to continue communication throughout the year. School Status will use phone and email information in the school’s computer system, which is why it is imperative this information is kept up to date. SchoolStatus does not use an app to communicate, instead, you will receive calls, texts, and emails using your phone number and/or email address just like a regular phone call, text message, or email. SchoolStatus messages can also be translated in multiple preferred languages.
- Student Agenda - The student agenda is an excellent mode of written communication between parents and teachers. A “comment” section is located at the bottom of each page of the agenda. The school encourages the use of this section. Parents should monitor the use of the agenda, as this is a good indication of homework compliance.
- Guide to Student Conduct – This document can be found on the district’s website, LINK HERE, under the Students Services tab. The document gives families detailed information regarding school and district policies on behavior, dress code, technology, etc.
- Monthly Calendar - A school calendar of events is sent home with the student by the 1st of each month. The calendar is also posted on the schools website.
- Parent Teacher Association - Parents are invited to join the PTA and to volunteer their time and talents by participating in school functions and programs throughout the year. Taking part in PTA and school activities is an excellent opportunity to show your interest in your child’s education.
- Parent-Teacher/Administrative Conferences – During the course of the school year, situations may arise that require the parents/guardians of our students to contact the proper employee(s) in order to resolve an issue. To assure a prompt response and encourage proactive communication between the schools and parents/guardians, the following protocol has been established to provide guidance as to whom parents/guardians should address their questions and/or concerns. We respectfully ask that you follow the steps as outlined below. You need not contact every person listed below; however, it is our wish that the issue is resolved early in the step-by-step process outlined below.
Questions or Concerns Involving a Student
- Step 1: Contact the student’s teacher
- Step 2: Contact the school counselor
- Step 3: Contact the school assistant principal
- Step 4: Contact the school principal
Questions or Concerns Involving a Teacher
- Step 1: Contact the school principal
- Step 2: Contact the Supervisor of Elementary Education or Supervisor of Secondary Education
Questions or Concerns Involving a Principal
- Step 1: Contact the school principal
- Step 2: Contact the Supervisor of Elementary Education or Supervisor of Secondary Education
- Canvas Courses – Teachers will post valuable information regarding class expectations, daily classroom assignments, testing information, class resources, important dates, homework, and other helpful reminders and announcements to their Canvas Courses. Your child can find each Canvas Course by logging into Clever.
- Report Card Conference - The first nine-week report card is issued directly to the parent at Report Card Conference. This is an important opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teachers and discuss his\her progress. The conference date is on the calendar. LINK TO CALENDAR
- School and District Websites – Our school and district websites provide families with the most up-to-date information regarding school operations, school and district policies, upcoming events, and announcements. You can find our school website by visiting: LINK TO WEBSITE
- Social Media Accounts – Trist utilizes Facebook to communicate with our families and community. Please be sure to “like” our school and district Facebook pages to get the latest information about what is happening within our schools.
- Student Handbook - This handbook contains school policies and procedures, the yearly parish calendar, and other pertinent information for Trist Middle School. It will be distributed to all students at the beginning of the year.
- Student Progress Center (SPC) –The SPC will give parents access to current information regarding their child’s schedule, attendance, class work, progress report, report card grades, test scores, and other information. Parents/Guardians will receive log-in information the first week of school.
BUG ME FORMS – All students have access to the school counseling program. Children needing support concerning individual issues can fill out a Bug Me Form to schedule a meeting with the school counselor.
There is an electronic Bug Me Form located on each teacher’s Canvas Page. Students can fill out the electronic form in school or at home.
COUNSELING - Students are offered individual, group, and peer counseling. Academic and developmental concerns may also be addressed through counseling. Students and parents are always welcome to consult the counselor regarding individual student concerns. Students may also be referred to outside agencies when deemed necessary. Outside counseling resources are available upon request with the school counselor.
The curriculum at Trist Middle School determines the plan for learning. The subjects offered are those required by the Louisiana BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) as well as those considered important for the total growth of our students. The content of required subjects follow the parish and state curriculum and are guided by State Standards.
Required Subjects:
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Physical Education
Elective Subjects:
- Art
- Band/Strings
- Chorus
- Quest for Success
- CHROMEBOOKS - All content area subjects (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) use Chromebooks (mini-laptops) as part of the curriculum. Each child will be assigned a Chromebook(s) for use during the school day. Chromebooks are closely monitored and should be used for academic purposes only. Students will receive a consequence and possible financial restitution if they:
- navigate to unapproved sites.
- damage the Chromebook in any way.
- using another student’s Chromebook.
- using another student’s log-in information.
- misuse of any of the programs including communications with other students.
- change settings.
- removal of district or school labels
Teachers will review all Chromebook guidelines and expectations and consequences with each class. Technology Guidelines are also outlined in the Guide to Student Conduct.
- CLEVER - Clever is an easy way for children to log in and learn with all of the online programs used at school. Within their own personal portals, students can learn with resources selected by their teachers and district during school hours and at home. Trist Middle uses Clever so our students can have all of their digital resources in one place, and it also eliminates the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords.
- The link for our Clever site can be found by visiting the Quick Links or Educational Links on our school website. GO TO SCHOOL'S WEBSITE Your student’s username and password can be found in his/her agenda.
- GRADING - Benchmark assessments will be given at the end of each nine-week period and normally represent 25% of the nine-week grade. Typically, another 40% of a student’s grade is from tests and quizzes, 15% is from homework, and 20% is a daily class work or participation grade. Teachers will assess each student’s behavior during a given period and will assign an appropriate conduct grade.
- HOMEWORK - A homework assignment relevant to the objectives taught will be assigned each night in all required and elective courses. Assignments should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Assignments will be checked and recorded in the teachers’ gradebook. Students are expected to complete all assignments.
If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for completing missed assignments. Missed assignments can be found on the teacher’s Canvas Page by logging into Clever. The teacher will determine a reasonable amount of time in which make-up work will be accepted. Parents are asked to supervise homework to see that it is completed. When circumstances require it, parents may be asked to sign homework and/or agendas before they are brought to class. The consequences for a pattern of not doing homework are serious and are addressed in the Guide to Student Conduct. A nine-week cumulative homework grade will represent 15% of the nine-week grade.
- HONORS PROGRAM - The Honors Program offers qualified students a more intensive and challenging course of study. Honors student’s academic progress is reviewed each nine weeks to determine continued placement. Students may be placed in a full honors schedule or subject specific placement if state required standardized test scores or additional assessments show that a student has a strength in a particular area.
- Criteria for placing 6th and 7th grade students in honors include multiple data points and include the following:
- A final grade of “B” or better in the previous grade English Language Arts and teacher recommendation;
- A final grade of “B” or better in the previous grade Math and teacher recommendation;
- Exemplary reading Level on the Star Assessment;
- Performance history on the ELA section of the State standardized test;
- Performance history on the mathematics section of the State standardized test;
- Placement of students in Honors is probationary pending student performance during the first and second nine-week grading periods.
- Criteria for placing 8th grade students in English I and/or Algebra I for high school credit include:
- Qualifying score on Algebra pre-test given at end of 7th grade year.
- Qualifying score on English I pre-test given at the end of 7th grade year.
- Placement of students in English I and/or Algebra I is probationary pending student performance during the first and second nine-week grading periods.
- Criteria for placing 6th and 7th grade students in honors include multiple data points and include the following:
- GRADE PROMOTION - A student’s four nine-week grades are averaged for a final grade for the year. An “A” = 4 points, “B” = 3 points, “C” = 2 points, “D” = 1 point, “F” = 0 points. The student’s final average must be equivalent to at least one quality point to pass the subject. However, if a student receives an “F” for the fourth nine weeks and an “F” for any one of the other three grading periods, the final grade will be an “F”. This policy is designed to ensure a consistent effort by students throughout the school year.
Students who receive a final grade of an “F” in any one or two promotional subjects (English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) will be required to attend and pass summer remediation. Students who receive a final grade of an “F” in any three promotional subjects will be retained at their present grade level.
- PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS - Progress Reports are issued midway through each nine-week period. They are designed to help parents monitor their child’s progress before report cards are issued. Report Cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks. Both progress reports and report cards include academic grades, conduct grades, comments, and attendance. Progress Reports and Report Cards must be signed and returned to the homeroom teacher within 3 days. Report Card and Progress report dates are listed on the Calendar. GO TO CALENDAR
- POTENTIAL FAILURE LETTERS – Content area teachers will distribute Potential Failure letters after the 2nd and 3rd 9 weeks to any student who is in jeopardy of failing the subject for the year. This is given to students who receive a D on their 1st, 2nd, and/or 3rd 9-weeks report card. Students will also receive this letter if they receive an F any 9 weeks regardless of the quality points earned for the other 9 weeks. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are to sign the letter and return it to the content area teacher.
- STATE STANDARDIZED TESTING - All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students must take standardized test required by the State of Louisiana. Performance on this test will determine whether a student will be scheduled for different classes available.
- TEXTBOOKS - Students must pay for lost or damaged textbooks. ELA and Math books are consumable books where students can complete their work in the book. Students must always have their own assigned textbook. An inventory of textbooks will be conducted periodically.
ELA: Consumable (students will write in the books)
Grade 6,7,8 Spring Board $17.85
English, I Spring Board $18.25
MATHEMATICS: Consumable (students will write in the books)
Grades 6,7,8 Math Volume 1 & 2 $26
Grades 6, 7, 8 Fluency $5
Algebra I Spring Board $17.95
Grades 6,7,8 $5 unit (8 units for each grade)
SOCIAL STUDIES: Books will remain in the classroom
6th World History $58.50
7th The American Journey $68.49
8th Louisiana History $49.95
If a textbook is lost or damaged, a replacement price will be determined based on the condition of the textbook as established by the administration. If a student loses any workbook, he/she must purchase a replacement.
- LIBRARY - Students will be scheduled to visit the library through ELA classes. Students may check out two books at a time along with a novel (if required for their ELA class). Due dates for library books will be once every 9 weeks; however, students may return library books at any time in the Book Return outside of the library. Students' school IDs are also their Library cards, so it is mandatory that students MUST have their School ID in order to check out a book. This will ensure that any books listed under a student's account were in fact checked out by the student. If a student has an overdue library book, then he/she CANNOT check out another book, even if required by a teacher. This includes library books from other schools in the district. Overdue library books become a School DEBT. To clear the debt, the book must be returned or the cost of the book must be paid. Students MUST pay for any lost or damaged books.